Tag Archives: The Iron Assassin

The Iron Assassin Tip #1

“If you want results you’re going to have to claim them & lay it all on the line in the gym” It’s just you & the weight so Move It!!! Lift It!!! Own It!!!
Raymond R Walker.


“The Power of Visualization”

Whether you are training in the gym or striving to break past new boundaries. I am here to tell you that Visualization is so essential to putting your mind into muscle and not just going through the motions. Visualization can be used as a technique involving your thoughts to be primarily focused on positive mental images while blocking out everything negative. This can be applied when striving to achieve a particular goal, change your physical appearance, or even finishing your last set beyond your imminent exhaustion. With that being said visualize what you want to become and focus all your energy into that thought. Because within each creation and invention known to mankind everything started with a vision manifested in the consciousness of the mind. Be not discouraged and frustrated when others around you try to make a mockery of your dreams and ambitions. Your greatest enemy isn’t those who are around you it’s the person you look at in the mirror day in and day out…

Inspirational insight for today:

“Don’t be motivated with the thought of proving your adversaries wrong, but be motivated by those who truly believe in you” Raymond R Walker


I am so pleased to welcome everyone to my blog 🙂